Monday, July 26, 2010

Sacramento Zoo

I took my niece to the Sacramento Zoo today (since I've never been) and we had a blast.

I have some pictures of her and some of the animals we saw during the day.

The lemurs -- These guys were mainly sleeping, but this little guy was playing around on the ground and when I started taking some shots he looked right at me when he heard the shutter.

Didn't think I was gonna get anything good from the giraffe, but then this guy came over to us and picked some greens from the ground and ate right in front of us.

Here is a mama Sumatran tiger with her newborn baby Jingga, who was born on March 18. The guests of the zoo picked the cubs name with more than half of the 43,000 votes.

Right outside the Red Panda exhibit (which was empty) stood a huge koi pond with koi fish.

Here are the three newcomers to the zoo, which is the first in its 83 years. The red river hog piglets. Two females and one male were born on July 16. The three were playful while Jewels and I watched on.

Again the giraffe looking right at us with its tongue out.

Jewels playing in a construction truck.

One of the frogs in the reptile habitat. It's called a Colorado river toad.

The three siblings again.

Jewels has been wanting to see a hippo since we went to the San Francisco Zoo last month and there wasn't any in the Sacramento Zoo either. She got to make a hippo masks though with the "red panda."

The koi again.

The zebra "taking a shower."

The snow leopard is sure enjoying that box. Must be tasty.

The hyena "stocking it's pray." It had just come out from the back and went up these blocks and preceded to fall asleep.

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