Friday, July 16, 2010

Delta King Open House

I got free tickets for the Delta King's Open House in Old Sac last Sunday and took Serena, Erika and Page got tickets too.

Here are some of the shots I took from the day.
This is a set of flowers Page really liked.
This one room had suggestions for menu ideas and I hadn't even thought if doing these, but now it sounds fun and the girls love doing crafty things.

I already went out and bought some stuff for the menus. Yey for upcoming girls fun.

Although I don't plan on using different looking plates like these shots just what the Grand Island Mansion has to offer.
This was one cute cake -- although instead of cats I'd want little dogs on the cake. The paw prints are just me.

Here are the purple calla lilies I like.

Serena modeling the flower slap wrist thing-ma-bobs which were around when I was a child.

This is my camera made up as a cake.
This was the dress Page liked. She liked the way it was flows.


  1. I am SOOO up for the girls fun!!! And the camera cake STILL cracks me up... I mean... what in the world did it have to do with wedding cakes... the event was for brides after all!!! All of the other cakes at the table were for weddings... then there's the canon 40D... hilarious!!!

  2. It could be a grooms cake. They had it at the Wednesday show too.
