Jonathan, Page, Jewels and I went to the Davis Ranch in
Sloughhouse on Jackson road today to get me some pumpkins and to have some fun.'s the
first shot of the days of the four of us on the wagon to head out to the fields where all the pumpkins grow. We got to pick them right off the vein. I've never done that before so that was pretty cool.

Jewels has her sights of a pumpkin already and we haven't even stopped yet.

Here's the land of all the pumpkins. So many to pick from.

Look at those BIG pumpkins.

Some people are already out picking pumpkins and having fun.

Eye level of the pumpkin.
There were some orange pumpkins......

Green pumpkins.......

and orange and green pumpkins. I grabbed the one in the upper left

More of the field of pumpkins.

My feet with some little orange pumpkins.

My feet with the little ghost pumpkin. I think I have started something with my feet. I stated it in Disneyland (in my shoes).
I took another shot at another farm a little over than a week ago.
(Here's the shot of my

The pumpkin flower next to a ghost pumpkin.

Jonathan found this "old" pumpkin.

A little lady bug on top of a ghost pumpkin.

My feet with the big dark orange pumpkin which did not make it home.
Jonathan found me a better one.

And here's the one Jonathan found for me.

Here's the two next to each other. The one we brought home is the one Jonathan is next to.

Back on the wagon to head back.

Here's how we got around.

The farm also sells Christmas trees. All kinds and sizes only $35.

My feet on the wagon ride back.

little thing in the m
iddle we thought was maybe grape vines, but it's
goard. You can see some hanging in the middles, but I have some better shots in the next few pictures.

View from the side.

Here's a better shot to see the hanging
goards. They are near the white area at the bottom.

Here's the best shot of the

Eating the
carmel corn in the yellow wagon.

Riding in the yellow wagon looking for more pumpkins.

"I can do it by my self daddy"
Jewels wanted to pull the wagon.

And she went hauling.

These are called Cinderella pumpkins. Here they look more green, but next to some of the other pumpkins, such as the white and orange ones they look a little blue. Page and I bought one of these. You can see it later.

These were sick pumpkins (not really), but they had a little
bumpies all over them.

These were a little different too.

Jewels on the big pumpkin.

A pumpkin carving contest was going on. Seven pumpkins were lined up and the public got to vote for the winner. I only took pictures of three which I thought were the best.
This one was the one Jonathan, Page and I voted for.

I thought this one was pretty good since it had a
goard as a nose and fur for eyebrows.

Here's the third one I took a shot of. It was eating little pumpkin. There's two in his "tummy" and one in his mouth.

I couldn't believe it when I saw a trailer truck (or like a taco truck) for Cold Stone ice cream.

Jewels going down the blow up slide in the jump house. She was having so much fun. She kept going back into the house and down the slide.

Jewels inside the jump house. "Hi auntie."

The ranch also had an area where people could pick
their own

Here's a white flower with an unripe strawberry. I like the dark and shadows in this shot.

Another view of the strawberry area.

Another thing the ranch had was a veggie and fruit area. We could fit through the entire area, since we had the yellow wagon.
I've never seen purple bell peppers. The colors were so vibrant.

These eggplants were so big and some had little "faces" on the. Page "modeled" the veggie.

Here's all the pumpkins I brought home. From left to right: the green/orange, the normal one for James, the ghost, a really odd yellow/green/orange and the Cindrella (see it looks a little blue here). On the bottom is the BIG darm orange pumpkin -- This one will be the one I crave for Halloween.

After we left the ranch we went to Red Robin in Elk Grove. Here's my strawberry lemonade.