Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wood Art {Snowy Cabin}

James and I went to Page's family cabin on Thursday to play in the snow, take photographs and just to get out of town.

One of page's family members carves wood and had all these tree trunks with carvings of faces.

The photo above was my absolute favorite from the bunch. It's a raccoon and reminds me of Meeko from Pocahontas, which in turn reminds me of my puppy dog Meeko since that's the character I named him after.

This carving is the first one sees upon arriving at the cabin with their name on a sign (There's a photo below).

Below is one of the face carvings which again has a raccoon on the top, but also has a little added detail with the nose hairs.

This was one of the longest carvings, but is not carved straight into a living tree. This one, along with another are posts near the fire wood pile.

Here's a gnome-like carving also near the wood pile.

Here's the welcome sign with the raccoon and their name.

Here's eyes and mouth carvings added to a tree to make a face (view from the cabin).

Another bridhouse-like face from a different angle.

The eyes and mouth carvings view from the ground.

Another face on a pole.

More to come: Meeko's first time in the snow & Fun with Jewels

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lunar Eclipse {2010} FUN SHOTS

I also had some fun with with the moon during the Lunar Eclipse.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lunar Eclipse {2010}

Last month (Dec. 21, 2010) was the Lunar Eclipse. After I got home from work I took out my camera and got down on the ground to get some stability.

I compiled the four shots as one and placed the four separate below.

What's to come: Fun Lunar Eclipse photos. (I played around with the zoom and moving the camera around.