During our Disneyland trip we sat down (very crowed I might add) to watch "
Fantasmic!" (logo to the right is from Disney site).
The show has been going on for a while now (I recall seeing it as far as 2004, but maybe farther back than that).
The show includes more than 50 performers, color/pictures projected on water, with fiber optics and lasers. It's a colorful night show on the lake in
Frontierland within the Disneyland park.
The Disney website states this about the show:
"Mickey battles evil and conjures good in a musical pyrotechnic spectacular with magnificent floating scenes and effects that will leave you breathless!"
Here's my photos from the show:

I forget which part of the show the snake was in, but this was my best shot. I took more than 200 shots, but since it was night and the show is pretty fast-pace some shots had to be deleted.

I think these were from the Dumbo part of the show. These characters came out on boats (about three) across the water to be closer to the

He has no strings.

Peter Pan atop Hooks ship. There is an entire fight
scene as the ship comes out
across the lake out to the crowd.

croc -- *Tick -
Tock* He's coming for hook.

Close up of Pan after he beats Hook and saves the day.

Bell and her Prince. Again three boats came out. One with
Beauty and the Beast. Two with The Little Mermaid. Three with Snow White (her picture was too dark, since she was
fartherest away from me without much light).

Bell looks so happy.

Ariel and her Prince.

Ariel and Prince Eric (or is it Erik?).

Snow White's evil step-mother. She's not too happy that she's n
ot the fairest of them all.

Evil witch.

The evilness in Sleeping Beauty.
Maleficent -- I have never seen her in the show. Plus the two girls who were sitting behind us said they come to the show (sounded like they had season passes and lived in Anaheim or nearby) just to see Maleficent and the dragon (which Maleficent turns into and the end of the film to fight off Prince Phillip from saving Princess Aurora).
And here comes the dragon -- there's many photos of this:

She's getting ready to blow.

Almost there.

And here it comes.

It was
sooooooo hot. You could feel the heat from the mouth of the dragon. It hit the
water and light up the night.


I think this is my fave. photo after the the fire stopped coming out of her mouth.

And here comes
Mickey (in Prince Phillip
attire) to save the day.

Go Mickey.
Steamboat Mickey.

I was able to get real close with my long lens.

Bell is Jewels fave. Princess.

AND my fave. Princess Aurora.

The back end of the Mark Twain steamboat with the
characters from Toy Story (1 and 2).

Mickey in the
sourcer attire.

Again in the fireworks lighting up the sky red.

Some of the lasers in action.